k after a kid and chat.The men then are playing cards, speak a yellow joke. Have several water with strong really fine man in village will descend every day mountain to find out news.Each time come back will take some strange newses back. For example, they usually see surging white wave top afloat wear some corpses of strange animals, a lot of they have never seen of animal wreckage, the bulge drum drum ground drifts along with river water. In the village of sea http://i.sohu.com/p/=v2=eOQzATQyDDM1DMO5EHNvaHUuY29t/blog/view/243820513.htm say, he saw a corpse of huge animal, is that the sea is strange, has a boa sort long long body that day, but more huge than boa, whole body slippery get fed up with, have a blinking scale.A lot of outstanding tumors of the body of this animal, the tumor up grows an a lot of meat beards, the long long flotage is in http://u9604318.livejournal.com/34346.html the water and very frighten a person.In some places, also grow a lot of eyeballs of drums drum, the eyeball of the yellow. But, regret BE, the head of this weird corpse has been sinking in the underwater, so they could not see. They all say that the corpse that is a dragon. But many people immediately again oppose, affirm that is not likely to be the corpse of dragon.Because, the dragon can't be drowned by water. Time of the first day dead hour, the river embankment of village tail finally collapsed dike, the dazzlingly white flood all over the place flowed out into village and roared to drown the whole village. That voice that lacks dike is really astounding, the whole skies all resound a huge voice to ring.For an inst
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